An art historian, an Honoured Culture Worker of the Russian Federation, a museum curator, a specialist in German art
1939 – 2023
Galina Kislykh started to study in a museum circle with Erna Larionova when she was a schoolchild, in 1954. After finishing school, in 1957, she started to work in the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, at first as an exhibition hall attendant, then as an assistant in the Print Cabinet. In 1958, she started to attend evening courses in the Moscow Lomonosov University; in 1960, she started full-time attendance; in 1963, graduating from the Art History Department of the History Faculty of the Moscow Lomonosov University, she returned to the Print Cabinet as a researcher and a curator of German prints. Since 1974, she is the main curator of the Department; in 1980–1982, she was the chairman of the Department. In 1988–1996, she worked as the deputy chairman of the Department. Since 2009, Kislykh is a senior researcher of the Museum of Fine Arts.
Galina Kislykh created numerous exhibitions and wrote many works on German graphic art, including a catalogue raisonné Альбрехт Дюрер. Москва, 1971 (Albrecht Dürer); a catalog of the exhibition Каспар Давид Фридрих и его современники. Москва, 1975 (Caspar David Friedrich and his contemporaries); the article Немецкая гравюра XV–XVI веков // Очерки по истории и технике гравюры. Москва, 1987 (German Engravings of the 15th–16th centuries); Генрих Фогелер и Ворпсведе // Стиль жизни – стиль искусства. Москва, 2000 (Heinrich Vogeler and Worpswede); a catalogue raisonné Немецкий, австрийский и швейцарский рисунок XV–XX веков в собрании ГМИИ им. А.С. Пушкина (German, Austrian and Swiss drawings in the collections of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts). Presently, she works as a senior researcher in the Department of Graphic Arts.